Friday, June 3, 2011

Elder Hunter and Elder Marshall

This past week has been very busy. We keep on getting more and more investigators and its exciting! P-day we cleaned our whole house &  we went to Cabizon yesterday and went to the huge mall there.  It was nice to get out of yucca valley and go to a new city for the day. Transfers where on Saturday and i'm safe. I get to stay in Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree for another transfer. I get my new mission president in 3 weeks! I sure hope they are nice. I'm looking forward to meeting them. im sure going to miss the Reeve's though. My ward is awesome and all the members are very missionary minded and hardworking. We teach about 20 lessons a week or more and that is very good for the area i'm in. A lot of people are a flakes so its easy to weed out people who want the gospel in their lives and people who do not. We went to go teach a family and their children. I love this family they are awesome people! The husband works at a resort in Palm Springs and is the head guy of a night club.
The Flores family invited one of their friends over to take the lessons and we taught her. Everything went awesome and she got to learn a lot about the gospel. She liked it so much that she wants to hear more and now her dad wants to learn and take the lessons! Miricles happen everyday! I love being on a mission. if your doubting going on a mission (DONT DOUBT!) its amazing!
Last night we had dinner over at the Millets and they invited their elderly neighbor over for dinner. and we got to teach her. She is very interested in learning more and she said she was going to read the book of mormon while she went on her trip up to Nor Cal for the summer. All of the people I teach and talk to have been coming to church. That's amazing! I love everyday of my mission more and more. Some people are really cool and really nice and others are not that nice. but thats life. I know that this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and that this is his church that he rules. Im greatful for having the chance of being on a mission and I spend everyday working hard like its my last day. I love you all. (ps) write me letters. bye

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