Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arrival Email

Dear Parents of Elders Webster, Hunter, Larsen, Park, Young and Romney,
We are THRILLED to tell you that your sons arrived safely at the Ontario Airport this morning!  We are so happy to have them here!  What wonderful young men they are!  We have been so impressed by their goodness, happy personalities and desire to serve the Lord.  They all admitted to being a little nervous.  They were extremely tired by this afternoon, having been asked to get up this morning at 2:00 a.m.!  They also had a layover, so they were exhausted by the time they arrived.  We took them to the mission office and fed them some breakfast.  Our senior missionaries introduced themselves and taught them about medical issues (taught by our wonderful mission nurse, Sister Ottosen, who has 28 years experience as a critical care nurse), finances (taught by Sister Crews, a former high school math teacher from New York and South Carolina), driving and safety (taught by Elder Robinson (a kind and patient man!  Imagine being in charge of 70 vehicles driven by 19 and 20 year olds!) Elder Parrott (our mail, referral and baptismal "whites" secretary, also from South Carolina) and Sister Robinson, who is our friendly, happy, efficient office secretary (who, along with her husband, are currently from Idaho, but also Texas and Montana).  
After driving tests, lunch, photos, seeing the mission map and transfer board, the missionaries were driven to the mission home, where we had them introduce themselves, President Reeves interviewed them, then they had a two-plus hour nap!  After their naps, they were priviledged to be taught by the two counselors in the Mission Presidency, President Plocher and President Bishop.  They are wonderful men and outstanding teachers!  Both teach Institute--one by profession, the other volunteer.  After, we had a nice dinner, followed by a testimony meeting.  
They are all sound asleep now, after a busy day!  In the morning, after breakfast, we have a treat for them, which we hope they will tell you all about having to do with the Savior's atoning sacrifice.  Their new trainers will then come to the mission home and we will have another testimony meeting and introduction of the new missionaries and the trainers.  After the new companionships have been announced, the missionaries will be driven to their new areas!  
Please know how much we will love and try to assist your sons!  This is an exciting time!  President Reeves and I have about two months and two weeks left on our mission.  We have loved EVERY DAY!  We have been doubling up on our efforts so that we can accomplish all that our Heavenly Father hoped that we would do.  This has been the sweetest time together and the greatest blessing has been to work with these incredible missionaries in the service of our Savior.  You will be amazed at the growth that you see in your sons.  They are all excellent young men, but we promise you that they will come home as great men.  Our missionaries often make statements like these: "When I came on my mission, life was all about me; now it is all about everyone else."  "I have learned to love and appreciate my family more than ever."  "I LOVE the scriptures; they mean so much to me!"  "I love the people I have been able to work with, with all my heart."  We also know that your will see many tangible blessings in your own homes and lives because of the faithful service of your sons!
We send our love!  With love and sincerely,
President Mel and Sister Linda Reeves

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